Tag Archives: astounding story

Claymation and Wires

College helped me learn how to appreciate Mondays more. It’s probably because my school decided it was better to give us a day off on a Monday for the rest of our school lives. No make up classes are allowed on Mondays, because it is the absolute day off. However, in exchange, I now loath le Saturdays. I guess it’s expected to have classes on Saturdays, but that day is my most hectic day of the week. I have three classes on that day, first class starts at nine in the morning and ends at lunch time. We get a one hour break, then the second class starts at one in the afternoon to four. Right after that is my last class, which ends at seven. No breaks in between those two. Nope nope nope.


Well, at least I have Claymation on that day, which was the second class. It’s the only class that keeps everyone sane on a Saturday. This is the only class that we wouldn’t fall asleep in because we could get our artistic fix busy. We get to mold clay, make armatures out of wires and possibly paint our figures. We didn’t have to just sit there with a teacher yapping into our ears. I noticed as students of art, it’s more effective for us to learn if we engage in activities or if there’s pictures and graphs involved instead of just plain talking.


Some character designs for our future claymation movie we will need to prepare for our midterms. It’s supposed to be some cute-cheesy romance. The characters were supposed to look like symbols you would find on public bathrooms at first, like the simple “Men’s” sign or the “Women’s” sign. Then we realized that they looked much too plain when compared with other groups. Although we wanted to achieve a ‘simple looks, astounding story’ feel, we tried to put a bit more effort in our character’s designs while still keeping it sweet and simple.

After class, my boyfriend and I had some coffee and cookies to get ready for the next class; Animation Business.

I’ll leave that class in another blog entry.

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Posted by on February 4, 2012 in Classes


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